The Murder of Neil LaFave

Neil LaFave

On this day in 1971, Wisconsin game warden Neil LaFave failed to show up for his own birthday party. His absence prompted his wife Peggy to notify the police, who found his truck in a remote swampy area along with a pool of blood and two .22-caliber shells. His headless body was found in a shallow grave. When authorities found his head, they saw that it had two bullet wounds caused by a .22 shotgun.

While serving as a game warden for Wisconsin's Sensiba Wildlife Area, Neil LaFave had earned a reputation for being tough on poachers. Every poacher that he had ever arrested was questioned and anyone who didn't have a solid alibi was asked to take a polygraph test. Only one person refused, 21-year-old Brian Hussong. LaFave had arrested Hussong for poaching multiple times. After authorities obtained a warrant for a wiretap of Hussong's phones, they overheard a conversation between Brian Hussong and his grandmother Agnes, in which she assured Brian that his guns were well-hidden at her house. This gave them grounds to search Agnes Hussong's house, where she showed them a .22 shotgun belonging to Brian. Investigators were able to prove that the shotgun was the murder weapon.

At Brian Hussong's trial, his grandmother tried to deny that it was her voice on the wiretap. She also tried to deny that investigators had searched her house. However, the Michigan Voice Identification Unit was able to verify that it was Agnes Hussong's voice and ballistics reports verified that the murder weapon had been found in her house. Brian Hussong was sentenced to life in prison in 1972.

In August 1981, Brian Hussong managed to escape from Fox Lake Correctional Institution. He holed up in a remote cabin until he was killed in a shootout with the police in December 1981.

At the time of his murder, Neil and his widow Peggy had two children, Nicole, age 2, and Lonny, age 4.

Related Reading:

Conservation Warden Wall of Honor for Neil LaFave

10 Grisly Historical Murderers Caught Thanks To Forensics


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